Making a Digital Game Idea work for Print and Play

(This game was initially brainstormed for the A Game By It's Cover Game Jam. As part of the Jam you are required to get permission from the artist of the Famicase that it was inspired by. I was unable to reach the artist for the case so I will not be submitting it to the Jam, but I still wanted to credit him somewhere, so here is the inspiration.)

I have always been a fan of the games where you build a path from one point to another. The first game I played with this format was Ernie's Big Splash on the Commodore 64 from 1986. To credit this game as being the one that really lead to my love of computer games would be no understatement. These types of games evolved and changed over time. 1997's Gravity Ball gave me the same things I enjoyed way back with Ernie's Big Splash, but with much more challenge and fun. 

In seeing the title of the Famicase and the art of it I knew I wanted to make some sort of building game inspired by some of my favorite games. My big challenge was that my aim with the Game Jam was to focus just on print and play games. There is a lot more that could be done with this idea in a digital format, but I wanted to make this into the kind of game that I could have printed and take on a road trip as a child.

My initial plan for the game ended up being nearly identical to the final one, other than some adjustments in scoring. With any game like this a lot of the challenge comes from explaining the rules without bogging it down in too much detail. I think the rules are a bit clunky still...but hopefully they give enough clarity to anyone else wanting to play.

For the game I am fairly happy with the detail and the minimal art that comes from the examples. I am also glad I was able to fit more than one score board on the front side as it is a game that is meant to be able to be played multiple times. And ultimately I created a game I want to play again which is a win in my book. 


Slime Mold Subway by Val Hutchins.pdf 185 kB
Aug 02, 2023

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